Ayurvedic Oil for Hair Pain

Hurting hair? Here’s what you need for relief!

Ever felt a weird pain on your scalp and thought to yourself it was normal? A tingling, or pulling sensation when you moved your hair while combing or running your fingers through them? 

Well, if you have experienced it, you know what we are talking about. Yes, the very common, Hair/Scalp pain. Although it sounds unheard or unspoken of, scalp pain is real and definitely a thing of concern. 

If you have been wondering whether it’s your hair that hurts, then here’s the truth. Our scalp consists of pores and follicles on the surface and multiple nerve endings and glands underneath them. When the follicles are clogged due to excessive sebum leading to accumulation of dandruff or yeast, the hair becomes inflamed or sensitive leading to experiencing what we term as the hair (scalp) hurting.

Here are some of the most common reasons why your scalp hurts.

Excessive Pressure

If you are a woman, you are used to experimenting or sporting hairstyles that you are comfortable with. Be it a bun or a high-pony, your preferred hairstyle becomes the one you wear every day. When you tie your hair tight, it tugs your strands, leading to sensitive or inflamed roots that cause pain when you touch or move your hair.

Oops, so dirty!

Believe it or not, unclean hair can be a cause of sore scalp. Regularly, the hair and scalp are subjected to dirt, pollution and whatnot. This dirt settles around your follicles, and not washing your hair regularly can lead to the secretion of excessive sebum that gives growth to yeast.

Note: Under washing your hair is troublesome, but don’t over-wash your hair as well.

Too many products are problematic!

Excessive use of products like dry shampoo, which gives you an extra day of being wash-free and sprays that help have your hair the way you like it, is causing you more trouble post that momentary happiness. Loaded with chemicals, these products when mixed with sweat lead to bacterial infections and cause issues like itchy scalp and more.

According to Ayurveda, scalp pain is caused by an imbalance in your vital energies – Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It occurs in three stages:

It starts with aggravation of Kapha, which leads to excessive collection of scalp oils in the follicles, causing swelling and heaviness in the blood vessels. As Pitta aggravates, it leads to redness and dissipation of heat.

As Vata imbalance takes place in your body, more physical symptoms such as chronic pain in the scalp, scar tissue and dryness begin to occur.

Can Ayurveda Help With Hair Pain?

Ayurvedic therapies and modalities are effective in curing pain when you can determine the innate nature of your doshas and how they are balanced or imbalanced. This is a primary requirement for any kind of Ayurvedic treatment as they work exclusively on balancing.

Evaluating your doshas can be done through a consultation with your Ayurvedic doctor which will provide you with a deeper insight into your condition. In fact, it’ll help find your hair type and provide specific treatment or medication for the cure.

How to maintain your mane?

Beyond medicinal treatment, there are certain steps that we can take in general to maintain and have healthy hair.

Opt For Head Massages 

Although sounds fancy, Ayurvedic Oil massage is a great method to alleviate pain and any sort of accumulated stress. Coupled with the goodness of Ayurveda, head massages act on important pressure points and help stimulate blood circulation, making you feel light and your hair nourished.

Wash Regularly

Although one extra day without washing your hair sounds like less work, it does more damage than good. Our hair and hair follicles accumulate dust regularly and skipping or postponing hair wash gives ample time for the dust to clog your pores and cause infections, rashes and more.

Oil Your Hair

This one’s a page from our ancestor’s book to healthy hair! The oiling routine that you are skipping can actually be the saviour you need. We agree that your apprehension comes from the greasy look after oiling your hair. But, trust us, oiling your hair overnight with Ayurvedic hair oil is a great way to provide your scalp with all the necessary nutrients. It nourishes you from root to tip and is proven to promote the growth of healthy and shiny hair.

The herbs that work wonders for scalp pain


 Ashwagandha helps balance the three doshas, Vata, Pitta and Kapha. It stimulates the production of an ultimate antioxidant in the body called DHEA, which helps combat free radicals in the scalp and keeping it clean and promoting hair growth.


Yashtimadhu (Licorice) has numerous proven therapeutic benefits. Loaded with flavonoids and phytoestrogen, it helps in combating issues like dandruff, dryness, itchy scalp, flakes and more. Its antibacterial properties help in the treatment of scalp infections.


Neem has found irreplaceable importance in our everyday lives. Known for medicinal and antibacterial properties, it’s an effective herb to treat hair loss. It’s also antifungal and anti-inflammatory in nature and works wonders in preventing or curing dandruff and boosting hair growth.


Bhrami is known for its calming effect. A natural stress-buster, Bhrami helps soothe your scalp, promoting blood circulation. The antioxidants present in Bhrami cleanse the scalp, keeping them free from any infections. Regularly using the oil helps strengthen the roots, prevents dandruff, itchiness and flakes by forming a protective layer around your hair; keeping it shiny and lustrous.


Camphor is a great counterirritant and brings immediate relief. When applied to an itchy or dry scalp, it brings a soothing effect and also helps moisturize it while increasing blood circulation. It is also effective in keeping dandruff at bay.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera has become a household plant and is used in most forms of skin and hair care. Aloe is a natural coolant and is known to calm the itchy scalp. A common ingredient in shampoos, aloe is known to deep clean the scalp, strengthen the roots and also repair the hair strands. It can also be used as a mask for chronic hair pain.

Ayurvedic Hair Oils have a combination of these herbs and many other vital herbs that help in the balancing of your vital doshas. Regularly using these hair oils for everyday oiling and massages can help fight hair fall, dryness, dullness, scalp pain and many other issues related to the scalp and hair. If you are confused about how to choose a suitable hair oil, this might be the one. (https://mukthaayurveda.com/gadiva-ayurvedic-hair-oil/)

Gadiva Ayurvedic Hair Oil is formulated with 18 Ayurvedic herbs that provide rejuvenation and relief from all forms of hair and scalp related ailments. This special concoction is a reflection of our rich traditions and methods prescribed in ancient texts. It’s an effective solution against hair fall, hair loss and baldness. Try it yourself and you’ll not regret it.

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