The Miracle of Ayurvedic Oil

India has been home to magical remedies, derived from naturally available herbs. For ages, our ancestors have studied the various medicinal properties of plants and herbs available around us; practised and perfected the formulations of how each herb and extract can do wonders to our body holistically.

The goodness of Ayurveda as medicine is prescribed in the sacred texts and passed on from one generation to the other. You must have heard your grandparents, parents or even great-grandparents speaking about the importance of natural home remedies for the skin, body and hair and how these practices are bound to show results without any allergies or side effects.

In fact, a lot has been spoken about the effects of Oil in Ayurveda and its role in strengthening our vital organs. The same goes for skin and hair. Oil massages are a great source of relief and they help strengthen your skin, the largest organ in the body, while also nourishing and keeping it supple.

What about hair, you ask. Oh, an entire text can be written with that! Ayurvedic oil for hair fall has numerous success stories. To understand its essence and the benefits it poses, let’s delve a little deeper into the unskippable routine of ‘hair oiling.’

The South Asian Secret To Shiny, Long Mane

Prescribed in Ayurvedic texts, proven by science and largely accepted by the beauty industry now, hair oiling is seen as a technique that grants rejuvenation to your scalp. Though considered as a modern-day equivalent of head massages, the oiling technique in spas, every other parlour or even what we do regularly differs from the actual method of oiling. Ayurveda says that our body has three vital life-giving energies (doshas) – the Vata, Pitta and Kapha. The imbalance of any one of these throws our body cycle for a toss and is seen clearly in how it affects our hair. Oiling the scalp helps remove any excess of these doshas, thereby restoring balance and also resolving issues such as premature greying, breakage and more.

Split ends? Yes, that too, without much interference from your parlour lady.

What are the essential components in an Ayurvedic Hair Oil?

Ayurveda prescribes various herbs and components for different issues related to hair. Ingredients like Amla and Bhringaraj are known to be great for strengthening the hair from the roots and are popularly seen in all the Ayurvedic oils for hair fall or hair loss. Coconut oil is known to retain moisture and help add lustre to your mane. Whereas neem, sesame etc., are proven remedies for dandruff and are widely used in Ayurvedic hair oils for baldness.

There is no fixed formulation for the oils. The beauty of Ayurveda lies in its flexibility to mix the abundant herbs available according to one’s needs.

The Key To Find The Right Ayurvedic Oil For Hair Loss

Is there something like the ‘right Ayurvedic Oil?’ Yes, there is. The key lies in finding what your hair requires and then going for the right blend of ingredients. If you are looking for Ayurvedic Oil to combat hair fall or hair loss, these are the key components you should watch out for.


Amlaki or Amla is the wonder supplement in almost every other Ayurvedic hair oil. Rich in Vitamin C, Amla is brilliant for your hair because of its ability to increase the antioxidants in your body. It is a natural blood purifier and prevents your hair from premature greying. It is also effective in fighting dandruff and strengthens your roots thereby preventing breakage.


Narikela or coconut is a great moisturizer. The vitamins and fatty acids present in the coconut oil, help strengthen dry hair and prevent it from breaking. It further nourishes the scalp and helps lock the moisture helping combat frizz, preventing damage and encouraging hair growth.


Tila or Sesame has been a key ingredient in traditional massages in the Indian household. Adding a few sesame seeds to gingelly oil and heating them before oiling the hair or body has been a regular practice. Applying Tila thaila and massing from root to tips can do wonders to your hair.

Tila is rich in vitamin E, B complex, and minerals such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and protein. It helps repair damaged hair, promoting hair growth, and density and also works perfectly as an Ayurvedic Hair Oil for hair fall. It’s also effective in preventing dandruff and treating lice.


Bhrami is known for its calming effect. A natural stress-buster, Bhrami helps soothe your scalp, promoting blood circulation. The antioxidants present in Bhrami cleanse the scalp, keeping them free from any infections. It’s a great rejuvenator and reduces hair loss. Regularly using the oil helps strengthen the roots, prevents dandruff, itchiness and flakes by forming a protective layer around your hair; keeping it shiny and lustrous.


Nili or Neelibhringadi is a renowned herbal medicine that is inseparable from hair related topics when it comes to Ayurvedic medicine. It is an essential component in most Ayurvedic hair oil as its medicinal properties help treat various diseases of the scalp. Nili helps stimulate your hair follicles which help in the formation of new hair cells and improve hair growth. It is great for conditioning, thickening and strengthening of the hair.

Not just these 5 but multiple other such herbs can be your hair’s best friend. In fact, Gadiva combat hair fall, baldness and other hair related problems.

Gadiva Ayurvedic Hair Oil has 18 exotic herbs that have been proven to treat scalp and hair related problems by focusing on balancing Vata, Pitta and Kapha the three vital energies in the human body. These nutrients work as immune boosters for your hair and help keep your mane strong and healthy! The Ayurvedic hair oil is also anti-microbial and works in the regeneration of hair.

If you are looking to provide your hair with the best care and protection against dirt, pollution and other harmful substances, choosing to oil your hair at least twice a week with an Ayurvedic hair oil is the best option. If you are still wondering about the effectiveness of Ayurvedic hair oils, here are 10 things to help you change your mind.

All that said, do not forget to choose the best oil for your hair and start on your hair care routine, today! You’ll thank us later.

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